My research combines empirical findings in household financial decisions with models that incorporate patterns over the life-cycle or variations in mortgage choice governed by financial literacy and network-based information spillovers.
"Financial Skill and Search in the Mortgage Market", joint work with Ante Šterc, paper link
Presented at a couple of student workshops during my stay at the University of Minnesota (January - May 2022). Presented at the 15th Young Economists Seminar organized by the Croatian National Bank in Dubrovnik, Croatia (July 2022). Presented at the 1st PhD Workshop in Naples, Italy (September, 2022), 4th European Midwest Micro/Macro Conference (EM3C) in Frankfurt, Germany (December, 2022); and the Simposio de la Asociacion Espanola de Economia (SAEe) in Valencia, Spain (December, 2022). Presented at the Student Macro Lunch Seminar at NYU, Department of Economics, March 2023. Presented at the 10th Annual MMF PhD Student Conference in Sheffield, UK (May, 2023) and the 14th International Conference: Challenges for Europe in Croatia (May, 2023), Royal Economic Society PhD conference in Glasgow (June, 2023). Presented at the XXVI Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics in Vigo, Spain (July, 2023) . Presented at the SMYE in Turin, Italy (September 2023) and in the internal seminar at the Dutch National Bank in Amsterdam, the Netherlands (September, 2023) . Included in the poster session at the American Economic Association meeting in San Antonio, Texas (January 2024). I presented at the RES Annual Conference in April 2024, and was invited to present in the Young Economist session at the T2M conference in Amsterdam. Presented at the Summer SED meeting, Barcelona (June), 16th Nordic Summer Symposium in Macroeconomics (Normac), Copenhagen (August), CEBRA Annual conference, Frankfurt (August, 2024)*, European Economic Association, Rotterdam (September, 2024), Toulouse School of Economics, (November 2024), and the American Finance Association meeting in San Francisco (January 2025).
Scheduled to present at the WE_ARE seminar, online (March 2025), at the UNC Chapel Hill Conference on Market-Based Solutions for Reducing Wealth Inequality (April 2025), Women in Macroeconomics, Finance, and Economic History, and Esade Macro Meeting (May 2025).
"Extrapolative Expectations and Retirement Savings", paper link, conditionally accepted at the Review of Finance
Presented at the PhD seminars at the Copenhagen Business School, departments of Finance (PhD day, November 2021) and Economics (Research seminar series, December 2021) and the Micro-Macro student seminar at the University of Minnesota (April 2022). Presented at the 4th International Conference on European Studies in Milan, Italy (June 2022) and the 4th Behavioral Macroeconomics Workshop in Bamberg, Germany (June 2022), in the 1st PhD Workshop on Expectations in Barcelona, (October, 2022) and Brown Bag Seminar at CERGE-EI ( September, 2022). Invited to present at the Brown Bag Seminar at the University of Zagreb, Department of Economics in January, 2023. Invited to present at the 14th International Conference: Challenges for Europe in Croatia (May, 2023), and presented at the EEA-ESEM in Barcelona (August, 2023).
"Network Effects in Debt Negotiation", joint work with Mauro Mastrogiacomo and Ante Sterc
"Gender Differences in Savings over the Lifecycle: The Role of Financial Literacy", joint with Marta Morazzoni and Maria Frech